#include <vector>
#include <vnl/vnl_matrix.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <itkTransform.h>
#include <itkMatrixOffsetTransformBase.h>
#include <itkMultiThreaderBase.h>
#include "animaMatrixLogExp.hxx"
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template<class T > |
void | anima::Get3DRotationExponential (const std::vector< T > &angles, vnl_matrix< T > &outputRotation) |
| Computation of a 3D rotation matrix exponential. Rodrigues' explicit formula. More...
template<class T > |
void | anima::Get3DRotationLogarithm (const vnl_matrix< T > &rotationMatrix, std::vector< T > &outputAngles) |
| Computation of a 3D rotation matrix logarithm. Rodrigues' explicit formula. More...
template<class T > |
vnl_matrix< T > | anima::GetExponential (const vnl_matrix< T > &m, const int numApprox=1) |
| Computation of the matrix exponential. Algo: classical scaling and squaring, as in Matlab. See Higham, SIAM Matr. Anal., 2004. More...
template<class T > |
vnl_matrix< T > | anima::GetLogarithm (const vnl_matrix< T > &m, const double precision=0.00000000001, const int numApprox=1) |
| Computation of the matrix logarithm. Algo: inverse scaling and squaring, variant proposed by Cheng et al., SIAM Matrix Anal., 2001. More...
template<class T > |
vnl_matrix< T > | anima::GetPadeLogarithm (const vnl_matrix< double > &m, const int numApprox) |
| Final part of the computation of the log. Estimates the log with a Pade approximation for a matrix m such that |m-Id| <= 0.5. More...
template<class T > |
vnl_matrix< T > | anima::GetSquareRoot (const vnl_matrix< T > &m, const double precision, vnl_matrix< T > &resultM) |
| Gets the square root of matrix m. More...